Consumer Protection
- Creative Director
- Writer
- Producer
- Production House
- Music, Sound
Other Work From The Archive
"Rhonda", "Mario" McLauchlan, Mohr, Massey Ltd.
Merit -
Closet, Dick, Lawnmower, Bob Carder Gray
Merit -
Ontario, Quebec, B. C. Vickers & Benson Limited
Merit -
Bogey Beep Beep Swahili Baby Boom Hayhurst Advertising Limited
Gold -
Heavy Stuff, Elevator, Piano Carder Gray
Silver -
Ghost / Octopus / Giant Young & Rubicam, Ltd.
Gold -
You Never Lose Your Taste For Mr. Christies Arrowroot Biscuits. McCann-Erickson Toronto
Gold -
Uncle Edgar J. Walter Thompson Company Limited
Gold -
The Horse's Myth Young & Rubicam, Ltd.
Gold -
Kaboom / Backhedge MacLaren Advertising
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