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Merit2006 Advertising Print
It's been six months / You've just paid more attention / She may be 79
It's been six months / You've just paid more attention / She may be 79
- Creative Director
- Art Director
- Writer
- Photographer
- Print Production
Other Work From The Archive
Alcoholic / Bruise / Tear DDB Canada, Vancouver
Gold -
Camping / Date / Video Games Wasserman & Partners Advertising
Silver -
Squeegee / Bike / Cane Trigger Communications & Design
Merit -
Fat-Free & Iron / Smart & Good Looking / Marshmallowy Leo Burnett Canada
Gold -
Gift Registry Publicis Toronto
Gold -
Small But Strong zig
Gold -
Teddy Bear TBWAToronto
Gold -
Courier / Lillies / Dog Rethink
Silver -
Memorial Leo Burnett Canada
Silver -
Morale AMW
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