The Salvation Army
- Art Director
- Writer
- Photographer
- Producer
- Production Company
- Director
- Music
Other Work From The Archive
Sun Life of Canada McKim Advertising Ltd.
Gold -
Dominion Bridge Company, Montreal Burns, Cooper, Hynes Limited
Gold -
Cool as a Cucumber Maclean Hunter
Silver -
Eddy Match Company Burns, Cooper, Hynes Limited
Silver -
Canadian Opera Company Burns, Cooper, Hynes Limited
Silver -
Schenley Distilleries Ltd. McKim Advertising Ltd.
Silver -
W. Howick Limited Burns, Cooper, Hynes Limited
Silver -
Dieter's World Heather Chisvin Creative Services
Silver -
Homemaker's Magazine Comac Communications Limited
Silver -
Typecraft Sales Promotion Ltd. Gerry L'Orange
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