Heinz A.I. Ketchup - Space
- Agency
- Chief Creative Officer
- Creative Director
- Associate Creative Director
- Art Director
- Designer
- Writer
- Photographer
Agency Producer
Alex Butt Steph Walker-Wells Katia Dupuy Keegan Shay Sheldon Sam AJ Merrick
Tyler Erdelac Anna Vershinina Ignacio Florez Étienne Bergeron
- Post Production
- Music & Sound
- PR
- Strategy
Account Team
Jamie Sutherland David Greisman Ashlynn Labinaz Catherine Blouin-Mainville
Other Work From The Archive
Heinz Ketchup Fraud - Kitchen Rethink
Gold -
Heinz Ketchup Fraud - QSR Rethink
Silver -
Heinz Ketchup Fraud - Diner Rethink
Silver -
Heinz Ketchup Fraud - Spoon Rethink
Silver -
Heinz A.I. Ketchup - Baroque Rethink
Bronze -
Heinz A.I. Ketchup - Synthwave Rethink
Bronze -
Caffein(A.I.)ted GUT
Bronze -
Heinz Ketchup Fraud Rethink
Gold -
Heinz Ketchup Fraud - Kitchen Rethink
Gold -
IKEA Window Shopping Rethink
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